Oracle Forms – Javabean


A Javabean timer


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1.    Purpose



This is a Javabean component that allows to replace the internal Oracle Forms’ timer






2.    The Javabean



package oracle.forms.demo;


import oracle.forms.handler.IHandler;

import oracle.forms.ui.CustomEvent;


import oracle.forms.ui.VBean;


import oracle.forms.engine.Main;

import oracle.forms.engine.*;

import oracle.forms.handler.*;


public class Timer extends VBean implements Runnable


    static Thread runner ;

    static int seconds = 0 ;

    static IHandler mHandler;

    protected static final ID TIMEREXPIRED   = ID.registerProperty("TimerExpired");

    protected static final ID pInitTimer     = ID.registerProperty("initTimer");

    protected static final ID pStartTimer    = ID.registerProperty("Start");

    protected static final ID pStopTimer     = ID.registerProperty("Stop");


    public Timer()





    public void init(IHandler handler)



      mHandler = handler;

      System.out.println("*** oracle.forms.demo.Timer Init ***") ;



    private void startTimer()


      if (runner == null )


        runner = new Thread(this);





    private static void stopTimer()


      if (runner != null )


        runner = null;




    public void run()


      Thread theThread = Thread.currentThread();

      while (runner == theThread)




        } catch (InterruptedException e) { }

        dispatch_event() ;




    public boolean setProperty(ID _ID, Object _args)




       System.out.println("milliseconds=" + (String)_args) ;      

       seconds = new Integer((String)_args).intValue() ;

       return true;      



     else if (_ID == pStartTimer)


        System.out.println("Start") ;      

        startTimer() ;

        return true;



     else if (_ID == pStopTimer)


        stopTimer() ;

        return true;




          return true;




    public void dispatch_event()


        CustomEvent ce = new CustomEvent(mHandler, TIMEREXPIRED);







3.    Forms configuration


Ø      Copy the bean_timer.jar file in the /forms/java directory


Ø      Edit the /forms/server/formsweb.cfg file to add the jar file to the archive_jini variable






4.    How to implement this bean in your own form


Ø      Open your form


Ø      Add a Javabean component to any block


Ø      Set its Implementation class property to : oracle.forms.demo.Timer




5.    The properties that can be sent to the bean




Ø      The frequency of expiration


set_custom_property( 'BLOC3.BEAN_ITEM', 1, 'initTimer', 'number_of_milliseconds');



Ø      Start the timer


set_custom_property( 'BLOCK.BEAN', 1, 'Start', '');


Ø      Stop the timer


set_custom_property( 'BLOCK.BEAN', 1, 'Stop', '');




6.    The sample dialog


Ø      Download the file


Ø      Unzip the file


Ø      Copy the bean_timer.jar file in your /forms/java/ directory


Ø      Edit your /forms/server/formsweb.cfg file


Ø      Open the bean_timer.fmb module (Oracle Forms 9.0.2)


Ø      Compile all and run the module




This dialog allows to enter the frequency of the timer, start (showing the time in real-time) and stop the timer.


The code that captures the java event is located in the WHEN-CUSTOM-ITEM-EVENT trigger of the bean item.



Synchronize ;