Oracle Forms Look and Feel project

The css_updater sample dialog



This sample dialog is provided to help you to manage your CSS configuration file.

You can use it to open, change and save any correct Forms L&F .css file




Figure 1 – css_updater sample dialog.



The css_updater.fmb sample dialog is located in the /fmb sub-directory of the file.



It is composed by 3 parts:


1.      A header section

2.      A block renderer

3.      A property windows section




  1. Header section (1)


It allows choosing a .css file name to open, then display every sections read from this file.


Type an existing css filename in the CSS filename field, then press the Read… button.


You can select any section in the five available poplists to display/update the canvas, title, header, body and GUI section.



Figure 2 – the section lists



If you want to save the modifications, click the Save to file button.




  1. The block renderer (2)


It displays a control block with the current corresponding settings.




  1. The property windows (3 and 4 )


Each tag section has its own properties that you can manage through the corresponding window.


The change you make in these properties windows is displayed on the When-Validate-Item instance trigger of the property item,

So that you have to validate the item to see the changes.


For properties that contain the “color” word, you can show a color dialog to select a color.

Click the value item, then right-click to display the Choose a color… popup menu.



Figure 3 – displaying a JColorChooser dialog



You can add or remove tags from these properties windows.